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Maintenance Tips For Increasing Life Of Garage Door

Maintenance Tips For Increasing Life Of Garage Door

Maintenance Tips For Increasing Life Of Garage Door

Repairing and changing a garage door every now and then is not less than an added hassle. When you are clueless about what is causing all the damages to your door, it is better to be acquainted with this machinery. Understanding it and paying attention to the garage door will help you in preventing all kinds of damage resulting in a heavy bill for garage door repair.

Find out more about the garage door

While getting the door installed or buying, talk to the installer/ dealer to know more about the garage door. You should be aware of the brand, type and model of commercial garage doors you are getting installed. Ask for the maintenance tips, how to use it properly, what are the signs of damage you need to look and so on. All this information will be very helpful in preventing any damage to the door as well as repairing minor damages yourself. You can also know most of the required information from the user manual.

Lubricate parts

To make sure that the garage door is working just fine, lubricating all the moving parts is crucial. Lubricate overhead garage door springs with spray lubricant and opener’s chain or screw using white lithium grease. You can ask the dealer for more information on the suitable garage door lubrication for different parts.

Keep an eye on cables

Just like other parts such as rollers, always keep an eye on the cables lifting your garage door for any sign of wear and tear. If there is, call the professional garage service immediately. Do not try to repair it yourself, as it can be life threatening for you touching or repairing those high tension cables.

Always seek help from the professionals when it comes to repairing something you are not well aware of in the garage door. You might end up hurting yourself or causing further damage adding to the bill. Call the professionals now!

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